
Popup ad class responsible for requesting popup ads and displaying them to the user.

Public constructors

AdropPopupAd(context: Context, unitId: String)

AdropPopupAd(context: Context, unitId: String)

Requires Context and Ad unit ID

Public functions

fun load()

fun load()

Requests an ad from Adrop using the Ad unit ID of the AdropPopupAd.

fun show(activity)

fun show(activity: Activity)

Show an ad from Adrop using the Ad unit ID of the AdropPopupAd.

Must be fully loaded before show is called.

Public properties


val unitId: String

Get Ad unit ID of the AdropPopupAd.


val isLoaded: Boolean

Determine if ad is fully loaded.


var popupAdListener: AdropPopupAdListener?

Attach AdropPopupAdListener to this property.


var closeTextColor: Int?

Customize text color of close button.


var hideForTodayTextColor: Int?

Customize text color of hide for today button.


var backgroundColor: Int?

Customize background color of buttons.

Last updated