Add Adrop to Flutter
Install your preferred editor or IDE.
Make sure that your app meets the following requirements:
Targets API level 23 (M) or higher
Uses Android 6.0 or higher
Uses Jetpack (AndroidX), which includes meeting these version requirements:
v7.3.0 or latercompileSdkVersion
Kotlin 1.8.20 or higher
iOS 13
Swift 5.0
Install Flutter for your specific operating system, including the following:
Flutter SDK
Supporting libraries
Platform-specific software and SDKs
Sign into Adrop using your email or Google account.
Step 1: Create an Adrop project
Before you can add Adrop to your Flutter app, you need to create an Adrop project to connect to your app.
Step 2: Register your app with Adrop
To use Adrop in your Flutter app, you need to register your app with your Adrop project. Registering your app is often called "adding" your app to your project.
Make sure to enter the package name that your app is actually using. The package name value is case-sensitive, and it cannot be changed for this Adrop Android app after it's registered with your Adrop project.
Step 3: Add an Adrop configuration file
Download adrop_service.json to obtain your Adrop Android platforms config file.
Step 4: Add Adrop plugin to your app
From your Flutter project directory, run the following command to install the plugin.
Step 5: Initialize Adrop in your app
The final step is to add initialization code to your application.
Import the Adrop plugin.
Also in your
file, initialize Adrop.
Add AdropNavigatorObserver to measure the frequency of ad impressions
Rebuild your Flutter application.
Next Steps
You're all set! Please register an Ad unit to show ads to users.
Learn how to Create your Ad unit.
(Optional) Troubleshooting
Last updated